A Quite Good Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie
Makes 10-14 cookies
90 minutes —
Intermediate —

The best chocolate chip cookie recipes kind of have to be a little bit of everything; memorable, memorize-able, achievable, approachable, delicious, and perhaps most important: simple. For decades, my mother made cookies every other weekend in an attempt to satisfy each and every one of these personality traits. She was in search of the perfect cookie. It’s always irked me a little bit, the fact that she never crossed the finish line. In an ideal world, I’d have a family recipe for “the perfect choc chip cookie” scribbled on an index card that I could pass down. There’s something, however, that I’ve since realized talking to my mom about these early memories of her baking – she wasn’t searching for the perfect cookie, she was searching for her perfect cookie.

I just asked ChatGPT how many chocolate chip cookie recipes there are on the internet. Apparently, it’s “impossible to determine.” Go figure. It’s funny to me, the way everyone can love something so unanimously, yet all go about it completely differently. Every person is searching for something unique in their cookie. Realizing this is what changed my outlook on my mom’s cookies, and also my approach to my own. The title of this recipe used to be “The Perfect Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie.” Hogwash. I was writing for SEO, the way a good recipe blogger should! The reality, however, is that perfect doesn’t exist, but “Quite Good” sure does.
So you’re thinking: “Ok, so everyone has their own style, yada yada. What style cookie is this?”
Fair question. Personally, I can’t stand gooey. I’m not looking for melt-in-your-mouth. My go-to test is to pinch a cookie by the edge and hold it up in the air. If it sags or breaks within a few seconds, it’s not my style. Here’s how I’d describe this cookie: soft & buttery on the inside, firm with some bite on the outside, complex & flavorful.

A tip: I recommend going the chopped chocolate bar route, as opposed to chocolate chips. I know chips are nice and easy, but rest assured there is good reason. When you chop a chocolate bar, all of these tiny little flecks and shavings of chocolate remain on the cutting board and your knife – we want these. Add them into the dough with the chocolate. Some of it will melt away into the cookie, and the rest will remain as beautiful little flecks in your dough. This will result in not only a beautiful cookie, but a flavorful one. If you only have chips around, that’s fine. Give ’em a chop.